Dual-Vu // The future of In-Person Sales
If you are a photographer, you know, the path to making more money is offering your clients more than just a digital file.
If you are a photographer, you know, the path to making more money is offering your clients more than just a digital file.
What if there were a way to show people who we are, without having to actually write it in a blurb on our website? Do people even really read that anyway? What if we could take the emphasis off the “About Me” and show who we are in a different way?
Just about everything shut down last year, so we enhanced our remote sales tools in ways that helped you persist.
Do you have one habit that you’d like to change today? Do you have some aspect in your business or personal life that you know you should take action to change? Why, haven’t you made that change?
N-Vu’s annual Holiday Re-Vu program is free and aims to bring you more sales and exposure during the holiday season. We relaunch your Client Galleries that expired over the past year and send guests a custom email campaign inviting them back into their gallery while suggesting photos as gifts.
In this article, Rachael Boer and Dorie Howell of IPS Mastermind, share their personal stories about success and failure. The lessons learned are just as appropriate for managing our businesses today.
The in-person experience is so much more than just viewing images. Below are my top tips for ensuring a stellar client experience.
It turned out that the shoot-and-burn model was unprofitable and exhausting. Before long, I found myself overworked, underpaid and highly frustrated. This was not a sustainable business model, and I knew something had to change.
To say I was thrilled when N-Vu announced that they had an integration with 17hats is an understatement. This simple integration has not only saved us time, but makes our clients a lot happier to instantly get a record of their purchase whether they are in person or having a remote design session with us.
When the pandemic first started, my immediate reaction was to get very, very busy. Although that wasn’t sustainable, it was a pretty fantastic way to generate ideas. Some of those new ideas became action steps for my photography studio.
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